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Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Date
expand/collapse section 3.4.1141 December 15, 2012
expand/collapse section 4Events Base Product
# Type Description
1 Fix Various minor corrections
expand/collapse section Meets
# Type Description
1 Change A new option to allow the user to selection the method used to compute out-of-range scores has been added
The user can choose between: None, Head Judge or Average.
expand/collapse section 3.3.1138 January 5, 2009
expand/collapse section 4Events Base Product
# Type Description
1 Fix Various minor corrections
expand/collapse section Dashboard
# Type Description
1 New New dashboard selection to display "Team Roster".  This will show all gymnasts for each team participating in the event.
expand/collapse section 3.2.1135 January 6, 2008
expand/collapse section 4Events Base Product
# Type Description
1 Change Each database file will maintain the knowledge of its last used or currently active meet.
expand/collapse section Dashboard
# Type Description
1 New New dashboard selection to display "Non-Participating" gymnasts.  Non-participating gymnasts are those gymnasts that have been entered into a meet, but are not currently performing any event.
expand/collapse section Meets
# Type Description
1 Change Within the "Available Meets" area, the list of defined meets will indicate those meets that have been locked and those meets with a date in the past that have not been locked.
The icon will be grayed out for locked meets.
Unlocked past meets will be displayed in red.
expand/collapse section Competitors
# Type Description
1 Fix The display columns "Avg", "Min", and "Max" were blank if the date format of the computer was not "yyyy-mm-dd".
expand/collapse section Event Results
# Type Description
1 Fix The "All In One" report was not sorting correctly.
The report should be sorted by: Division, Team, Gymnast
expand/collapse section Team Results
# Type Description
1 Change The judge's names have been added to the "Team Results" report.
expand/collapse section 3.2.1133 November 26, 2007
expand/collapse section Meet Setup
# Type Description
1 New Add new option to specify a qualifying method on the "Qualify" tab
   Top 4
expand/collapse section Statistics
# Type Description
1 Change Show all qualifying meets in a separate collapsible node within the statistics tree
2 Change Show gymnast average summary and team points summary in a separate collapsible node within the statistics tree
3 New Add new summary section for team points
4 Change Calculation of qualifying score will be based on Meet "Qualifying Method" option
5 New Display new statistics data for each gymnast
   Median score
   Standard Deviation
   Qualifying score based on "Top 4" method
   Qualifying score based on Avg(Median+High) method
6 New Add new date picking drop-down.  Only scores from meets up to and including the specified date will be included in the statistics.
expand/collapse section 3.1.1130 February 14, 2007
expand/collapse section 4Events Base Product
# Type Description
1 New Add support for Windows Vista
2 Fix Eliminate problem concerning TList7 ActiveX Control pop-up
expand/collapse section Meets Setup
# Type Description
1 New Auto Judge Count
A new option has been added so that the number of judges on each events can be optionally determined based on the number of non-zeros scores that are entered.
2 Fix Fixed the tab order from field to field.
expand/collapse section Competitors
# Type Description
1 New Display new columns "Avg", "Min", and "Max".  The gymnast's current average, minimum and maximum score for each event will be displayed.  This information can be useful when determining a team line-up.
expand/collapse section Scoring
# Type Description
1 New Auto Judge Count
If "Auto Judge Count" has been selected in the Meet definition, the number of judge's scores that will be used when calculating a score will be based on the number of non-zero scores that have been entered for the gymnast's event.  Normally, there will be no need for this option.  The need for this option occurs when the number of judges for a particular event changes during the meet.  This could happen for a variety of reasons.  Example:  A meet starts with 4 judges on each event.  During the meet, one of the judges for the vault becomes ill.  No replacements are available.  You need to continue the meet with three vault judges.  With this option active, the average will be computed based on scores of judges 1 through 3.
expand/collapse section Event Results
# Type Description
1 New One Click Event Results
New Report options have been added to the menu bar allowing you to create HTML reports showing the results of each event by division.  Each event and division will print on a separate page.  With one click, you can create the results for all events and all divisions.
2 New One Click Division Results
A Report option has been added to the menu bar allowing you to create HTML reports showing the results of each division. Each event and division will print on a separate page.  With one click, you can create the results for all divisions and events.
expand/collapse section 3.1.1129 February 4, 2007
expand/collapse section 4Events Base Product
# Type Description
1 New Add Windows Vista support
2 Fix The Notes application was not initializing properly with Windows Vista
expand/collapse section Statistics
# Type Description
1 Change Show all qualifying meets in a separate collapsible node within the statistics tree
2 Change Show gymnast average summary and team points summary in a separate collapsible node within the statistics tree
3 New Add new summary section for team points
expand/collapse section Event Results
# Type Description
1 Change Added "All" to the event selection for printing Awards Ribbons and Awards Medals.
This will allow you to print labels for all events at one time.  Each event will be created on a separate Word document.
expand/collapse section 3.1.1128 January 30, 2007
expand/collapse section 4Events Base Product
# Type Description
1 Change Software license using USB licensing dongle ONLY.
Existing customer licenses are still valid.
2 New Integrated Microsoft OutlookŪ style calendar.
3 New Integrated web browser.
Help and documentation will be viewed using the browser.
4 New Integrated word processor
5 New User specifiable sounds for actions
expand/collapse section Meet Setup
# Type Description
1 New Specify the start time and location of the meet.
expand/collapse section Competitors Setup
# Type Description
1 New Groups or sub-groups can be defined combining gymnasts from the same or different teams.
2 New Uncheck selected gymnastics from events
expand/collapse section Scoring
# Type Description
1 New Display or modify defined groups or sub-group for a gymnast
2 New New event columns to show range checking values
expand/collapse section Team Results
# Type Description
1 New Display new event columns showing team ordinal place for each event